Playing songs related to the
currently playing song
You can play songs from the following lists.
• Album list of the currently playing artist
• Song list of the currently playing album
• Album list of the currently playing genre
1 Press and hold
to switch to link play
2 Turn M.C. to change the mode; press to
! Artist – Plays an album by the artist cur-
rently playing.
! Album – Plays a song from the album cur-
rently being played.
! Genre – Plays an album from the genre
currently being played.
The selected song/album will be played after
the currently playing song.
! The selected song/album may be canceled if
you use functions other than link search (e.g.
fast forward and reverse).
! Depending on the song selected to play, the
end of the currently playing song and the be-
ginning of the selected song/album may be
cut off.
Using this unit’s iPod function
from your iPod
This unit’s iPod function can be controlled by
using the connected iPod.
Ctrl iPod is not compatible with the following
iPod models.
! iPod nano 1st generation
! iPod with video
% Press BAND/
to switch the control
! Ctrl iPod – This unit’s iPod function can be
operated from the connected iPod.
! Ctrl Audio – This unit’s iPod function can
be controlled by using this unit.
! Switching the control mode to Ctrl iPod
pauses song playback. Use the iPod to re-
sume playback.
! The following operations are still accessible
from the unit even if the control mode is set to
Ctrl iPod.
— Pausing
— Fast forward/reverse
— Selecting a song (chapter)
! The volume can only be adjusted from this
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
Once selected, the following functions can be
! Tags transfer is not available for DEH-
! Play mode, Shuffle mode, Shuffle all,
Link play and Audiobooks are not avail-
able when Ctrl iPod is selected in the con-
trol mode. For details, refer to Using this
unit’s iPod function from your iPod on this
Play mode (repeat play)
1 Press M.C. toselect a repeat play range.
! Repeat One –Repeat the current song
! Repeat All –Repeat all songs in the selected
! When the controlmode is set to Ctrl iPod, the re-
peat play range will be sameas what is set for the
connected iPod.
Shuffle mode (shuffle)
1 Press M.C. toselect the desired setting.
! Shuffle Songs –Play back songs in the se-
lected list in random order.
! Shuffle Albums –Play back songs from a
randomly selected album in order.
! Shuffle OFF –Cancel random play.
Shuffle all (shuffle all)
Using this unit
Using this unit