Mounting in the Vehicle
Use the supplied mounting straps to install the units on the back of the vehicle's headrests. Tightly wrap the
mounting strap around the headrest.
safety device, including air bags or seat belts.
DVD Player A
AV cable
Car power
adapter splitter
Remote Control A Remote Control B
DVD Player B
Using Headphones/Earphones
Turn down the volume before connecting the headphones/earphones. Slowly raise the volume with the
headphones on until you reach your desired volume. When headphones are connected, the speaker is
automatically disabled.
Excessive sound pressure from earphones and
headphones can cause hearing loss. Avoid
listening to sound at excessive levels which
could be harmful to your ears.
Connecting to a Stereo Receiver or Amplifier
The unit can recognize Dolby Digital content from a DVD and provide a down-mix suitable for stereo
Listening on External Audio Equipment
1. Connect the DVD Players to the left/right Audio In jacks on the audio equipment using an Audio/Video
2. Turn on the DVD Players. Slide the DVD/AV IN switch on DVD Player A to "DVD".
3. Turn on the audio equipment and follow the instructions provided with it to select the AUDIO IN
• MakesuretousethecorrectAudiocable.Connectingtheplugsincorrectlymaycauseaweaksignal.
• IfyouhaveastereoVCR,makesureyousetittostereomode.
• Duetocopyrightprotection,DVDmoviescannotbecopied.IfyoucopyaDVDmovieontoavideotape,the
resulting copy will be unclear, with poor sound quality. This is NOT caused by a defective DVD system.
DVD Player A
Stereo Receiver
or Amplifier
No need to connect
the yellow video plug
DVD Player B
Stereo Receiver
or Amplifier
No need to connect
the yellow video plug
(1/8” [3.5mm] diameter plug)
DVD Player ADVD Player B