REPEAT MODE .................................................................................. 6
• Repeat tracks ;................ Press the RPT button 6 to play the current track repeatedly. “RPT” indicator
appears in the display window.
• Repeat discs ; .................Press the RPT button 6 for more than 2 seconds to play the current disc re-
peatedly. “RPT” and “ ” appears in the display window.
To cancel the track repeat or disc repeat mode, press the RPT button 6 again.
The system will remain in this mode until it is cancelled.
SHUFFLE MODE ................................................................................ 7
This function plays the tracks on one CD or all CDs in the magazine in random order.
•“Shuffle-playing” tracks ; ....... Press the SHF button 7 to play the current disc in random order. “SHF”
indicator appears in the display window.
•“Shuffle-playing” discs ; ........ Press the SHF button 7 for more than 2 seconds. “SHF” and “ ” ap-
pears in the display window. The system selects a disc at random and
plays all tracks on that disc. When all tracks have been played, the next
disc is selected and “Shuffle-play” is repeated.
To cancel the track shuffle or disc shuffle mode, press the SHF button 7 again.
The system will remain in this mode until it is cancelled.
This function plays the first 10 seconds of each track or disc sequentially.
• Playing the beginning of tracks(Track Scan) ; ..... Press the SCAN button 8 to play the first 10 seconds
of each track on the current disc in order. “SCAN” indi-
cator appears in the display window.
• Playing the beginning of discs(Disc Scan) ; ......... Press the SCAN button 8 for more than 2 seconds to
play the first 10 seconds of each disc in the magazine.
“SCAN” and “ ” appears in the display window.
To cancel the track scan or disc scan mode, press SCAN button 8 again.
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