DVD player
Disc cannotbe inserted.
There isa disc inthe unitalready.
Eject thedisc then insertanother one.
Disc cannotbe played back.
Disc isscratched.
Change thedisc.
Disc istoo dirty orwet.
The pickupis dirty.
Disc isnot compatible withthe unit.
Parentallock classis too high.
Disc isinserted up sidedown.
The disc's region codeis notthe same
as theunit 's.
Clean thedisc.
Change thedisc.
Clean thepickup with cleaningdisc.
Change theparental lock class.
Change thedisc.
Insert thedisc correctly.
Subtitle cannotbe shown.
There isno subtitle filein thedisc.
Change anotherdisc containing subtitlefiles.
Audio language/subtitle
cannot bechanged.
There isonly one audiolanguage/subtitle
in thedisc.
Change anotherdisc containing multi-language
audio orsubtitle.
View anglecannot be
There isjust one viewangle inthe disc.
Multi-angle viewis not availablefor the
segment playingback now.
Change anotherdisc containing multi-angle.
Select anothersegment to playback.
Image distortion.
The discis protected bythe copyright.
The unitis compatible withcopy system;hence
some discscontained the informationofcopying
prohibited cannotbe played back.
PBC is invalidwhen playing
back VCD.
The discdoes not supportPBC.
Change anotherdisc with PBC function.
Repeat playbackor GOTO search
is invalidwhen playing backVCD.
PBC is on. Close PBC function.
Disc memoryless than 120M.
Choose thedisc of memorymore than120M.