
Security Glossary 1-3
case, simply remove permission from the Sales User group to deny them
access to monitoring feature of fax port 2. All other user groups, except
those belonging to the sub-group Sales User, can still monitor the modem.
This illustrates that user groups with similar permissions can be modified, allowing
greater control.
Security Glossary
Irrevocable PermissionA permission that is granted to users because they
belong to a pre-defined group with permissions that cannot be changed. The
server supervisor, account supervisors, CommWorks IP Fax Solutions manager,
CommWorks IP Fax user and Assistant groups all have irrevocable permissions.
Default PermissionA permission that is granted to users because they belong
to a pre-defined group with the permissions. The difference between default
permissions and irrevocable permissions is that you can change Default
Owned By SelfAny object that users can create or is owned by them has a
group labeled Owned By Self. This group gives the creator or owner of an
object more permissions for objects they own than for objects that are owned by
other people. Some objects that users create are faxes, attachments and cover
pages. Some objects users own are received faxes and their user profile.
MemberEach group of users or objects can have members. Members are
individuals or sub-groups that belong to a group.
ListUsers with the list permission can see that the object or user exists, although
they may not be able to use it. Generally, the user or User group must have this
permission before they are granted another permission for the object. For
example, a user that has the Use Attachment permission without the List
Attachment permission will never see the attachment to select it; therefore, the
user cannot use the attachment.
Account # Every user belongs to one account. Accounts are named using
account numbers (Account #s). The Account # to which each user belongs is
displayed in the User Properties dialog. Properties for these Account #s are also