Starting Security 2-3
Setting Up Accounts In a new installation, two default accounts are created automatically: the account
names are reserved, and are displayed as Account #1 and System Account.
These accounts cannot be deleted.
To view the list of accounts, click the plus sign (+) to expand the All Accounts
folder. Expand the account folders to view a list of account trustees, or users
within that account.
Figure 2-2 All Accounts Folder
■ Account #1 is the default account, containing all existing users.
The System Account is for User Records which are created automatically
by the server, including accounts on the network that identify remote servers
and database files.
Subsequent new accounts can be established, when a new user is created.
Creating Users and Accounts
A new user is created by the Server Supervisor or the Accounts Supervisor. At the
time when the user is created, it is associated with the same Account as its creator,
or assigned to a new Account. As the first user in a new Account, this person
would be the new Account Supervisor.
To create users manually, follow these steps:
1 Right-click in the white space of the screen.
2 From the menu screen, click Add New User. The Add User screen appears:
Figure 2-3 Add User