
Starting Security 2-5
Account Status Active: All account
rules apply to this user.
Forwarded: All
inbound faxes and
activity charges will be
forwarded to the
account named in the
Forwarded To field
Active is the default setting.
Long Distance Use this optional
section if special codes
are needed to make
long distance calls.
Access: An account number or
access number may be required by
your long distance service provider.
Prefix: Special commands to use
specific hardware devices or to
select outbound telephone lines.
Suffix: Long distance account
number identifier for group or user
Cost Center Identify the cost center
to which the new user
Initially, this drop-down
list contains two values:
Account#1 (Server
Supervisor belongs)
<-New Account->.
By selecting <- New Account ->, a
new Cost Center Account is
created. The new user is established
as the Account Administrator of this
new account.
Manager Identify the new users
manager, if listed.
To make the new user the manager
of this account, click the Manager
checkbox in Permissions. The
name will appear in the list for
subsequent new users.
Billing Code If billing code is used, it will appear here.
SQL Phonebook Restrictions These fields will not be enabled if the server does not use MS
SQL server as a database.
Phonebook Details Click this button to inspect the Users Phonebook Entry
screen. These details will appear in the internal phonebook
for all users.
User Preferences Click this button to inspect how the user has configured send
priorities and notification methods.
Dialing Restrictions If this user requires a restriction to be placed on certain
telephone numbers, use the screen behind this button.
Maximums Establish maximum number of pages or maximum size of file
if large fax transmissions need to be restrained.
Field Name Description Settings