IS-IS 121
Configuring IS-IS to Import Routes of Other Protocols
For IS-IS, the routes discovered by other routing protocols are processed as routes
outside the routing domain. When importing the routes of other protocols, you
can specify their default cost.
When IS-IS imports routes, you can also specify whether to import the routes into
Level-1, Level-2 or Level-1-2.
Perform the following configurations in IS-IS view..
If the level is not specified in the command for importing the route, it defaults to
importing the routes into level-2.
protocol specifies the routing protocol sources that can be imported, which can be
direct, static, rip, bgp, and ospf, etc.
By default, IS-IS does not import routing information from any other protocols.
For more about importing routing information, see “IP Routing Policy”.
Configuring IS-IS Route Filtering
The IS-IS protocol can filter the received and distributed routes according to the
access control list specified by acl-number.
Perform the following configurations in IS-IS view.
Configuring for Filtering of the Routes Received by IS-IS
Configuring for Filtering the Distributed Routes
By default, IS-IS does not filter received and distributed routing information.
Table 82 Importing Routes of Other Protocols
Operation Command
Import routes of other protocols import-route protocol [ cost value | type {
external | internal } | [ level-1 | level-1-2 |
level-2 ] | route-policy route-policy-name ] *
Configure not to import routes from other
undo import-route protocol [ cost value |
type { external | internal } | [ level-1 |
level-1-2 | level-2 ] | route-policy
route-policy-name ] *
Table 83 Configuring for Filtering of Received Routes
Operation Command
Allow filtering of received routes filter-policy acl-number import
Prevent filtering of received routes undo filter-policy acl-number import
Table 84 Configuring for Filtering of Distributed Routes
Operation Command
Allow filtering of routes distributed by IS-IS filter-policy acl-number out protocol
Prevent filtering of routes distributed by IS-IS undo filter-policy acl-number out protocol