Perform the following configurations in BGP view..
By default, BGP does not import the route information of other protocols.
The specified and imported source route protocols can be direct, static, rip, isis,
ospf, ospf-ase, and ospf-nssa.
After the import-route command is used in a certain BGP subview, the imported
source route protocol will not be imported into BGP. Then you need to use the
default-route import command in the corresponding view.
For detailed description of routing information, see “Importing Routing
Information Discovered by Other Routing Protocols” on page 156.
Configuring BGP Route Summarization
The CIDR supports route summarization. There are two modes of BGP route
■ Summary: The summary is the summary of the BGP subnet routes. After the
configuration of the summary, the BGP will not be able to receive subnets
imported by the IGP.
■ Aggregate: The aggregate is the aggregation of the BGP local routes. A series
of parameters can be configured in the aggregate. The preference of the
aggregation is higher than that of the summarization.
Perform the following configuration in the BGP view.
By default, BGP will not perform local route aggregation.
Configuring BGP Route Filtering
Configuring BGP to Filter the Received Route Information
Table 112 Importing IGP Routing Information
Operation Command
Configure BGP to import routes of IGP
import-route protocol [ process-id ] [ med
] [ route-policy route-policy-name ]
Configure BGP not to import routes of IGP
undo import-route protocol
Table 113 Configuring BGP Route Summarization
Operation Command
Configure the summary function of the
subnet routes
Cancel the summary function of the subnet
undo summary
Configure local route aggregation function aggregate address mask [ as-set |
attribute-policy route-policy-name |
detail-suppressed | origin-policy
route-policy-name | suppress-policy
route-policy-name ]*
Cancel local route aggregation function undo aggregate address mask [ as-set |
attribute-policy route-policy-name |
detail-suppressed | origin-policy
route-policy-name | suppress-policy
route-policy-name ]*