Setting the maximum response time allows the host to respond to query messages
quickly. In this case, the router can master the existing status of the members of
the multicast group.
Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.
The smaller the maximum query response time value, the faster the router prunes
groups. The actual response time is a random value in the range from 1 to 25
seconds. The default value is 10 seconds.
Deleting IGMP Groups Joined on an Interface
You can delete an existing IGMP group from the interface via the following
Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.
Displaying and Debugging IGMP
After the previous configurations, execute the display command in all views to
display the operation of the IGMP configuration, and to verify the effect of the
Execute the debugging command in user view to debug IGMP.
Table 17 Configure the Maximum Query Response Time
Operation Command
Configure the maximum query response time
for IGMP
igmp max-response-time seconds
Restore the maximum query response time to
the default value
undo igmp max-response-time
Table 18 Delete IGMP Groups Joined on an Interface
Operation Command
Delete IGMP groups joined on an interface reset igmp group { all | interface
interface-type interface-number { all |
group-address [ group-mask ] } }
Table 19 Display and Debug IGMP
Operation Command
Display the information about members of
IGMP multicast groups
display igmp group [ group-address |
interface interface-type interface-number ]
Display the IGMP configuration and
operational information about the interface
display igmp interface [ interface-type
interface-number ]
Enable the IGMP information debugging debugging igmp { all | event | host | packet
| timer }
Disable the IGMP information debugging undo debugging igmp { all | event | host |
packet | timer }