
138 3Com Router 5000/6000 Family
Command Reference
shdsl rate
Use the shdsl rate command to set single-pair interface rate of the SHDSL interface or just select
auto-negotiation mode. You can specify maximum line rate.
ATM (G.SHDSL) Interface view
shdsl snr-margin
Use the shdsl snr-margin command to set a target margin to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
ATM (G.SHDSL) Interface view
shdsl wire
Use the shdsl wire command to set the operating mode of the current G.SHDSL interface.
ATM (G. SHDSL) Interface view
Use the shell command to enable terminal services on the user interface.
User Interface view
shell priority high
Use the shell priority high command to set command execution first.
System view
Use the shutdown command to shut down the CPOS physical interface.
CPOS Interface view
Use the shutdown command to shut down the Ethernet port.
Ethernet Port view
Use the shutdown command to disable the current switching PVC.
Frame Relay Switching view
Use the shutdown command to shut down the interface.
Interface view
Use the shutdown command to disable the MSDP peer specified.
MSDP view
shutdown (in Voice Entity View)
Use the shutdown command in voice entity view to configure to change the management status of specified
voice entity from UP to DOWN.
Voice Entity view
shutdown (in Voice Subscriber-Line View)
Use the shutdown command in voice subscriber-line view to configure the voice subscriber-line from UP to
Voice Subscriber-Line view
Use the signal-value command to configure the digital E&M subscriber-line to receive and transmit the
ABCD bits of idle signaling and seizure signaling.
Digital E&M Voice Subscriber-Line view
Use the silence-th-span command to set the silence detection parameters that have the system take
automatic on-hook action.
FXO Subscriber-Line view
Use the silent-interface command to disable a specified interface to transmit IS-IS packet.
IS-IS view
silent interface
Use the silent-interface command to disable an interface to transmit OSPF packet.
OSPF view
Use the simultaneous-bindings command to enable simultaneous binding.
MR view
Use the sip command to access SIP client view.
Voice view