
3Com Router 5000/6000 Family 83
Command Reference
interface loopback
Use the interface loopback command to create a loopback interface or its view.
System view
interface mfr
Use the interface mfr command to create a multilink frame relay bundle interface or sub-interface and
enter the corresponding interface view.
System view
interface mp-group
Use the interface mp-groupwcommand to create an MP-group interface.
System view
interface null
Use the interface null command to enter null interface view.
System view
interface serial [ p2p | p2mp ]
Use the interface serial [ p2p | p2mp ] command to configure type of the specified FR subinterface
and enter frame relay subinterface view.
System view
interface tunnel
Use the interface tunnel command to create a tunnel interface and enter the view of this tunnel interface.
System view
interface virtual-ethernet
Use the interface virtual-ethernet command to create a virtual Ethernet interface.
System view
interface virtual-template
Use the interface virtual-template command to create a virtual template or enter the existing virtual
template view.
System view
Use the interval-time command to configure the interval for triggering DPD query.
DPD Structure view
invert receive-clock
Use the invert receive-clock command to invert the receive-clock signal on the DTE-side synchronous
serial interface.
Serial Interface View
invert transmit-clock
Use the invert transmit-clock command to enable the inverting of the transmit-clock signal of the
synchronous serial interface at the DTE side.
Serial Interface view
Use the ip command to specify the IP address of an entity.
PKI Entity view
ip address
Use the ip address command to configure the home address of an MR.
HA-MR view
ip address
Use the ip address command to set an IP address for an interface.
Interface view
ip address
Use the ip address command to configure the home address of an MR.
MR view
ip address bootp-alloc
Use the ip address bootp-alloc command to configure the Ethernet interface to obtain IP address using
Ethernet Interface view
ip address dhcp-alloc
Use the ip address dhcp-alloc command to enable DHCP client on the Ethernet or WAN interface for
obtaining local IP address.
Interface view (Ethernet Interface or Subinterface)
Synchronous/Asynchronous Serial Interface (encapsulated with PPP, HDLC, or frame relay, E1 interface)