
3Com Router 5000/6000 Family 155
Command Reference
vofr jitter-buffer
Use the vofr jitter-buffer command to configure a jitter buffer length.
Voice view
voice bandwidth
Use the voice bandwidth command to configure maximum bandwidth for voice calls.
Frame Relay Class view
Use the voice-config command to enable the DHCP server to send option 184 and suboptions of 184
when it assigns addresses from the global address pool.
DHCP Address Pool view
Use the voice-setup command to enter voice view and enable voice services.
System view
voip call-start
Use the voip call-start command to configure a call initialization mode for the called GW.
Voice view
voip calledtunnel
Use the voip calledtunnel enable command to enable the tunnel function on the called gateway.
Voice view
voip h323-conf tcs-t38
Use the voip h323-conf tcs-t38 command to enable the voice gateway to include the T.38 capability
description in its capability set when it is in H.323 slow-start mode.
Voice view
voip h323-descriptor
Use the voip h323-descriptor command to configure the description character string of the voice gateway
Voice view
voip timer
Use the voip timer command to set the VoIP-to-POTS timer, or the delay waiting for switching from VoIP
entity to backup POTS entity after a VoIP call is failed.
Voice view
Use the vpninstance command to specify a VPN instance.
HWPing Test Group view
vpn-instance-capability simple
Use the routing-table limit command to configure a router as Multi-VPN-Instance CE.
OSPF Protocol view
Use the vpn-target command to create vpn-target extended community for vpn-instance.
MBGP VPN-Instance view
vqa data-statistic
Use the vqa data-statistic command to enable counting of voice data.
Voice view
vqa dscp
Use the vqa dscp command to set the global DSCP value in the ToS field in the IP packets that carry the
RTP stream or voice signaling.
Voice view
vqa dsp-monitor
Use the vqa dsp-monitor command to set duration for DSP buffer data monitoring.
Voice view
vqa jitter-buffer
Use the vqa jitter-buffer command to configure jitter buffer depth.
Voice view
vqa performance
Use the vqa performance command to configure the sending or receiving process of voice data to fast or
normal forwarding process.
Voice view