VCX Software Components 17
Authentication (for example, validating a username and password)
Authorization (for example, verifying a user is allowed to make an
international call)
User-specific routing or translation (for example, processes a
personal speed dial number)
■ Directory (routing and translation functions):
The routing function identifies, selects, and prioritizes all the
possible routes for a given call.
The translation function manipulates the access number as a call
propagates through the system.
■ Accounting Service — Sends, exports, and manages CDRs.
■ SIP Phone Downloader — Loads an application image on to a 3Com
phone, which enables SIP support on the phone.
■ Common Agent — Connects other software components and the
VCX server operating system to the Enterprise Management Suite
(EMS) or other SNMP-based network management tools.
■ Provisioning Service — Provides a web-based user interface for
managing authentication and directory data.
■ Call Records Service — Stores CDRs received from the Accounting
Service. Sometimes referred to as the Billing Server.
■ IP Messaging Service — Provides integrated voice messaging, fax,
and e-mail capabilities, and advanced messaging features such as Find
Me Follow Me call routing and text-to-speech e-mail reading. Also
supports Global Voicemail Integration, which links regional and
branch office IP Messaging servers through a universal mailbox
directory on a special IP Messaging server called the Global Voicemail
Central Server (GVCS).
These components can be installed in various configurations as shown in
Table 3