■ The VCX system supports two operating system images. If the
upgrade required installation of a new VCX operating system version,
then the downgrade must revert to the previous installation.
■ The person performing the downgrade should be trained in VCX
operation and procedures, and be familiar with VCX terminology.
■ This downgrade procedure assumes the VCX version 7.0 system
databases were backed up before the upgrade to version 7.1 was
performed. These version 7.0 backups will be restored as part of the
downgrade procedure.
Note that the downgrade procedure does not remove VCX version 7.1
software from your VCX system.
Downgrading a
Single-Site System
(7.1 to 7.0)
This procedure describes how to downgrade a pair of VCX servers
running these software configurations:
■ IP Telephony and Messaging
■ IP Telephony only
■ IP Messaging only
Switch VCX Version
To switch the VCX version, perform the steps in this section, first on the
primary server and then on the secondary server.
1 Log in as root and enter this command:
vcx-switchversion --manual 7.x
Example: vcx-switchversion --manual 7.0.0c
The vcx-switchversion command:
■ Stops VCX services
■ Changes a link to point to the requested VCX version
■ Issues a warning that databases must be restored
CAUTION: Do not reboot the system or restart VCX services until
databases have been restored. The VCX 7.0 version has been selected but
the databases still contain 7.1 versioned data. This combination will not
operate successfully.
2 Update the pointer to the configuration file using this command:
SetConfigFile /opt/3com/VCX/conf/VCXConfiguration.xml