
markers turned on, 2-13
markers, menus, 3-13
MARMSK command, 4-9
mask align, 3-32
mask and limit lines, 1-8
mask margins, 3-32
mask or limit line creation, 2-24
mask or limit line editing, 2-24
mask setup menu, 3-33
mask testing
applying, 3-31
modes available, 1-5
masks and limit lines, 3-9
masks and limit lines description, 3-9
masks displayed on screen, 3-9
masks, menus, 3-13
mass storage, 3-34
mass storage, menus, 3-13
matching delay between channels, 3-63
mean fall time description, 3-5
mean rise time description, 3-5
MEAS command, 4-10
measure in optical power units, 3-16
measure, menus, 3-13
Measurement Conditions, 1-22
measurement plane, 1-10, 1-26
definitions, 3-4
extinction ratio, 2-6, 2-12
fast amplitude and phase transitions, 3-5
in optical power units, 3-16
laser turn-on delay, 2-13
optical power units, 2-8
selecting and formatting, 3-34
memory card
battery, 3-39
duplicate, 3-41
loading personality, 1-18
memory card, formatting, 3-37
memory cards, 3-34
70820A, 3-14
Agilent 70820A, 3-14
averaging, 3-27
calibration, 3-62
eye-diagram, 3-12
histogram, 3-7
left-side, 3-15
maps, 3-12
mask setup, 3-33
module main, 1-17
persistence, 3-28
setup and trg and cal, 3-12
setup and trg, cal, 3-12
traces, measure, markers, masks, and mass
storage menus, 3-13
traces, measure, markers, masks, storage, 3-
user-correction, 3-51
mode selection, 1-22
modes, features, 1-5
monochrome grading persistence, 3-29
monochrome persistence, 3-28
move the measurement plane, 1-26
number of bits displayed, 3-16
offset calibration, 2-5
optical power units, 3-16
optical power units display, 3-16
optical power units measurement, 2-8
optimum performance, 3-6
outline, setting up eye-diagram, 1-4
overshoot resulting from laser bias, 2-5
pass/fail testing, 1-8
pattern display, 2-27
pattern generator settings, 1-23
pattern generator, 70841A/B, 1-24
pattern mode, 1-8
pattern modes, 1-5
performing self-test, 3-69
PERSIST command, 4-11
persistence modes, 3-27
personality loading, 1-16
plotting, 3-48
position and scale each trace, 3-26
preset state, 1-26
preview programming commands, 3-20