
Application Tutorials
Tutorial 6: Test to Industry Standards
Tutorial 6: Test to Industry Standards
Masks allow you to test eye-diagrams against industry standards. The eye-dia-
gram analyzer provides built-in masks for testing the major SONET/SDH
transmission rates. Compatible modes are eye and eyeline. Shown in this tuto-
rial is the ability to:
Count mask errors
Allow for specified amount of margin testing
Stop after a specified number of trace errors
Show the violation trace (eyeline mode only)
Select the Mask
1 Set the analyzer to a known state by pressing:
2 You can use your own hardware filter during this tutorial, or load a software
filter as described in the previous tutorial.
3 Set the bit interval and delay by pressing:
Setup, BIT INTVL and enter 1.5, DELAY
Adjust the delay to center the eye.
4 Select a mask by pressing:
Masks, mask setup, default masks, STM-16 OC-48
The display shows an unscaled rectangle mask.
5 Align the mask by pressing:
Wait for the displayed # samp count to reach 100%.
This step aligns the mask to the data using automatic scaling. Notice that, for
the purposes of clarity, the graticule is turned off. This was done using the
70820A Config menu.