Common Tasks Mapped to CLI Commands
www.3ware.com 17
Add a time slot to a verify
/cx add verify 46
Add a time slot to a selftest
/cx add selftest 47
Enable/disable the rebuild/migrate
schedule and set the task rate
/cx set rebuild 48
Enable/disable the verify schedule
and set the task rate
/cx set verify 49
Enable/disable the selftest
/cx set selftest 49
View Alarms /cx show alarms 40
Unit Maintenance Tasks
Start a rebuild /cx/ux start rebuild 59
Start a verify /cx/ux start verify 59
Pause/resume rebuild /cx/ux pause rebuild and /cx/ux
resume rebuild
Stop verify /cx/ux stop verify 60
Enable/disable autoverify /cx/ux set autoverify 61
Identify all drives that make up a
unit by blinking associated LEDs
/cx/ux set identify 64
Port Tasks
Locate drive by blinking an LED /cx/px set identify 73
Check if LED is set to on or off /cx/px show identify 70
View information for specific drive /cx/px show 69
View the status of specific drive /cx/px show status 70
Enclosure Tasks
View information about an
/ex show 79
Locate a particular drive slot in an
enclosure by blinking an LED
/ex/slotx set identify 82
Table 4: Common Tasks Mapped to CLI Commands
Task CLI Command Page