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About this CLI Guide
3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller CLI Guide for the Power Mac G5 provides
instructions for configuring and maintaining your 3ware controller using
3ware’s command line interface (CLI).
There are often multiple ways to accomplish the same configuration and
maintenance tasks for your 3ware controller. While this manual includes
instructions for performing tasks using the command line interface, you can
also use 3DM
2 (3ware Disk Manager) to accomplish these tasks.
For details, see the user guide or the 3ware HTML Bookshelf.
Note: This guide assumes that you have already installed your 3ware RAID
controller in your system and set up your 3ware Sidecar. If you have not yet done
so, see the installation guide that came with your 3ware RAID controller for
Note: The 3ware controller used for the Apple® Power Mac® G5 is the 9590SE-
4ME. AMCC makes a number of other 3ware controller models, including 9000-
series (9500S, 9550SX, and 9590SE), and earlier 7000/8000 series boards, that
work on other platforms.
The Command Syntax described in this document supports all of those boards, and
some commands indicate the particular boards that support the command.
For your Power Mac G5, the CLI commands that apply to the 9590SE-4ME are
those identified as 9000 series and those that are identified as 9590SE.
Note: You may notice mention of RAID 50 in the Command Syntax sections. RAID
50 requires six or more drives, and so is not available using the 9590SE-4ME.
Table 1: Sections in this CLI Guide
Chapter Description
1. Introduction to 3ware
Command Line Interface
Installation, features, concepts
2. CLI Syntax Reference Describes individual commands using the
primary syntax