
Chapter 2. CLI Syntax Reference
84 3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller CLI Guide for the Power Mac G5
/cx del selftest=slot_id (9000 only)
/cx set exportjbod=on|off (9000 only)
/cx set ondegrade=cacheoff|follow (9500S only)
/cx set spinup=nn (9000 only)
/cx set stagger=nn (9000 only)
/cx set autocarve=on|off (9000 only)
/cx set rebuild=enable|disable|<1..5> enable|disable
for 9000 only)
/cx set verify=enable|disable|<1..5> (enable|disable
for 9000 only)
/cx set selftest=enable|disable [task=UDMA|SMART](9000 only)
/cx set autorebuild=on|off (9550SX and 9590SE only)
/cx update fw=filename_with_path [force] (9000 only)
/cx flush
/cx commit (Windows only) (Also known as shutdown)
/cx start mediascan (7000/8000 only)
/cx stop mediascan (7000/8000 only)
/cx rescan [noscan] NOTE: Does not import non-JBOD on
7000/8000 models.
Help with attributes
As you work with specific objects or commands, you can also use ? to get
For example: If you enter the command /c0
show and then need help on what
specific attribute syntax is possible, you can use ? to get help as following:
//localhost> /c0 show ?
/cx show
/cx show attribute [attribute ...] where attribute is:
achip|allunitstatus|autocarve(9000 series)|
autorebuild(9550SX only)|bios|carvesize(9000series)|driver|
numdrives|numports|numunits|ctlbus(9550SX and 9590SE only)
serial|ondegrade (9000S only)|pcb|pchip|spinup|stagger|
/cx show all where all means attributes and configurations.
/cx show diag
/cx show alarms [reverse]
/cx show rebuild (9000 only)
/cx show verify (9000 only)
/cx show selftest (9000 only)