Service Procedures: Start-up Site Form
InfraStruXure InRow RC 25
Thresholds: Setting:
25. Inlet Air threshold
26. Inlet Fluid threshold
27. Supply Air threshold
Return Air threshold
29. Air Filter Service threshold
30. Air Filter Service Alarm enabled
Customer Training: Yes/No
1. Was there someone available to go over equipment training?
2. Did we provide an Overview of the system?
3. How to operate the system?
Show the customer what parts are consumables
(Maintenance items)
5. Has the customer or customer representative been given copies of
equipment documentation (installation and Operation & Maintenance)?
6. Has all keys been given to the customer or customer representative for
all equipment?
Final Checks: Yes/No
1. The interior/Exterior of the unit is clean free of debris?
2. The area around the Unit is clean and orderly?
If the Start-up is not complete please list the issues & who is
responsible for the resolving the issues so that start-up can be completed.
Customer Name (Please Print): Date:
Customer Signature:
List issues preventing the completion of start-up and
responsible party to resolve issue
General Comments:
APC Representative (Please Print):
APC Representative Signature: