40 InfraStruXure InRow RC Service
Chilled Water Valve
#1 Phillips screwdriver, 1/4 inch wrench, 2.5 mm Allen-wrench, 10 mm wrench, pipe wrenches,
hose, 5 gallon bucket
1. Remove power to the unit by disconnecting both power cords (feed A and feed B).
2. Lockout/tagout the unit being serviced.
3. Remove the rear door and the top and bottom air filters.
4. Shut off the external water supply to the unit.
5. Drain the water/coolant from the pipe around the flow meter.
a. Close the ball valve above the flow meter.
b. Close the ball valve between the flow meter and the chilled water valve (3-way).
c. Use the manual bypass on the
chilled water valve actuator to set it
to full bypass. Use a 2.5-mm Allen
wrench to rotate the actuator
counter-clockwise to the setting
d. Connect a hose to the drain
connection at the bottom of the
unit, to empty coolant into a five
gallon bucket.
e. Open the hose bib to drain the unit.
This device may be connected to more than one input power source. Verify
that both feed A and feed B have been disconnected before attempting
See also
See the InfraStruXure InRow RC Installation manual for an
internal piping diagram.
The hose bib is close to
the electrical box. Ensure
a tight connection before
draining the unit.