Component Replacement: Chilled Water Valve
InfraStruXure InRow RC Service 41
f. Open slightly the pipe vent schraeder
valve at the top of the unit just before
the top coil to allow the remaining
coolant in the piping to drain.
g. Close the hose bib once the unit is
6. Disconnect the actuator, connector #ACT, from the control harness.
7. Remove the chilled water valve actuator and
a. Remove the four M6 x 20 Hex-head
screws and M6 (10 mm) flanged nuts
connecting the L-bracket to the valve body.
b. Pull the actuator and L-bracket off the
valve body.
8. Remove the insulation from the pipes around
the chilled water valve to expose the pipe
9. Remove the chilled water valve by
disconnecting the three pipe unions around it.
Failure to open the
hose bib before the
coil vent will release
pressurized coolant
out of the vent in the
interior of the unit.
Glycol must be disposed of properly.
Top Coil