
1. Firmware Upgrade Recovery Switch
During normal operation and while performing a fimware upgrade, this
switch should be in the NORMAL position. See p. 61 for firmware upgrade
recovery details.
After returning the switch to its prior firmware state, slide the switch back
to the NORMAL position to attempt the firmware upgrade again, or to use
the switch with its prior firmware.
2. Port LEDs
The Port LEDs are multicolored (Red / Green / Amber), and provide status
information about their corresponding CPU Ports as follows:
Color Condition Indication
Amber Steady Port is selected; connected computer is On
Flashing Port is selected; port is cascaded to a powered
on KVM switch
Red Steady Port is selected; connected computer is Off
Green Steady Port is not selected; connected computer is On
Flashing Port is not selected; port is cascaded to a
powered on KVM switch
Off Port is not selected; connected computer is Off
3. Reset Switch
Pressing this switch in performs a System Reset.
Note: This switch is semi-recessed and must be pushed with a thin object -
such as the end of a paper clip, or a ballpoint pen.
4. Power LED
Lights to indicate that the KM0216 / KM0432 is powered up and ready to