Chapter 11. Console Port Operation
Hotkey Summary Table
The following table summarizes Hotkey operations on the KM0032 / KM0532
/ KM0932:
Note: You must press [Esc] to exit Auto Scan and Skip Modes.
Invocation Hotkey Action
[Num Lock] + [-] [Port ID] [Enter] Switches access to the computer that
corresponds to that Port ID.
[T] [n] [Enter] Sets the Auto Scan interval to n seconds -
where n is a number from 1 - 255.
[A] Invokes Auto Scan Mode.
When Auto Scan Mode is in effect, [P] or
Left Click pauses Auto Scanning.
When Auto Scanning is paused, pressing
Any Key or another Left Click resumes Auto
[m] Invokes Skip Mode and Skips from the
current port to the first accessible port
previous to it.
[o] Invokes Skip Mode and Skips from the
current port to the next accessible port.
[n] Invokes Skip Mode andSkips from the
current port to the last accessible port of the
previous Station.
[p] Invokes Skip Mode andSkips from the
current port to the first accessible port of the
next Station.
[B] Toggles the Beeper On or Off.
[-] Toggles operation between the user’s
computer (connected to the Console
Module’s Local Computer Port), and the
KM0532 / KM0932.