KM0032 / KM0532 / KM0932 User Manual
3. (Optional) If the device connected to the KVM switch port has a dual
power supply, and if you wish to associate a second outlet port with the
secondary power supply, drop down the Associated Power Supply 2 list to
select the outlet you want to associate with the port, then click the
Associate button just to the right of the Associated Power Supply 2
selection box.
4. (Optional) If you have associated two power supply outlets, and you want
to synchronize the On/Off/Reboot operations for both power supplies,
click to put a check mark in the Synchronization of Power 1 &2 ON/OFF/
Reboot checkbox.
5. Set the Power Configuration and Schedule settings according to the
information provided in the Connection and Schedule sections of the
PN0108 User Manual’s Administration chapter.
6. Click Save (at the bottom of the page).
Now, you can manage the configuration and schedule settings of the device by
selecting its KVM port on this page (Device Management
o Association).
You can also power control the device when you select its port from the Port
o Connections page.