Chapter 6. Device Management
The page is organized into three main sections, as described in the table, below:
To associate a PON outlet with a KVM switch port, do the following:
1. In the Sidebar tree, select the KVM switch port you want to associate with
the PON outlet.
2. Drop down the Associated Power Supply 1 list to select the outlet you
want to associate with the port, then click the Association button just to
the right of the selection box. The outlet ID and Name appear in the power
management table, in the Middle section.
Page Section Description
Top This section is where you associate the PN0108 power outlet(s)
with a KVM port on the Matrix KVM Switch.
Middle This section is where you set up the power management
configuration for each outlet. Refer to the Outlet Configuration
section of the PN0108 User Manual’s Administration chapter for
configuration details.
Bottom This section is where you set up a scheduled Power On/Off
configuration for the outlet. Refer to the Schedule section of the
PN0108 User Manual’s Administration chapter for setup details.