Chapter 1. Introduction
Front View
(Continues on next page.)
No. Item Description
1 Port LEDs The Port LEDs provide status information about their
corresponding AC outlet ports. There is one pair of LEDs for each
port. The one on the left is the Remote Access LED; the one on
the right is the Power LED:
A Remote Access LED lights GREEN to indicate that the device
attached to its corresponding port is capable of being controlled
A Power LED lights ORANGE to indicate that there is electricity
going to its corresponding outlet. The LED flashes under the
following conditions:
If Modem Ring Resume is enabled (see Modem Ring
Resume*, page 39), the outlet still receives electricity even
when it is OFF. The Power LED blinks OFF, then ON for 8
seconds, then repeats this sequence to indicate this
When a power status change is pending, the LED flashes
until the change has taken place.
If both LEDs flash it indicates that there is either an overcurrent
situation, or the relay has failed. See Flashing Lightbulb,
page 33, for more details.
2 Firmware
During normal operation this switch is in the NORMAL position.
The RECOVER position is used when performing a firmware
upgrade. See Upgrading The Firmware, page 53, for upgrading
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