Product Documentation
4 Avaya Integrated Management, Network Infrastructure Management Installation and Upgrade
Product Documentation
The user books for the products in the Network Infrastructure Management offer are available on the
Avaya Integrated Management Home Page. These books contain tasks that must be completed after the
products are installed.
The latest version of installation, configuration, and user books for products included in the Avaya
Integrated Management offers are available from the Avaya Support Web site. The latest version of this
book is also available from the Avaya Support Web site. To view or download these books from the
Web, you must have access to the Internet, an Internet browser, and Adobe Acrobat Reader, version 5.0
or later. Adobe Acrobat Reader is provided on the Windows Server CD and is also available from
. See “How to Access Books on the Web” for instructions on how to view or
download these books.
How to Access Books on the Web
To view or download books before the products are installed, follow these steps:
1. Access http://www.avaya.com/support
2. In the left column, click System and Network Management.
3. Scroll to Integrated Management, locate the product name, and click the link corresponding to
the software release to display a list of available books for that product.
To view or download books after the products are installed, follow these steps:
1. Use your Web browser to go to the Integrated Management Home Page.
2. In the left column, click User Documents.
3. At the User Documents page, scroll to the product name and click the book title.