Avaya Integrated Management, Network Infrastructure Management Installation and Upgrade 1
The purpose of this book is to provide the following information:
• Hardware and software requirements for Microsoft
• Pre-installation tasks that must be completed prior to installation.
• Procedures to install the products in the Network Infrastructure Management offer. If any of the
products included in these offers are already installed on your system, those products will be
upgraded during this installation.
System administrators who install Network Infrastructure Management should be experienced in
installing software on Windows operating systems in a data infrastructure network environment.
Intended Audience
This book is written for system administrators who are responsible for installing software on Windows
Conventions Used in This Book
The following typographical conventions are used:
• Bold type is used to indicate information that you type, buttons in a window, and the Enter key
on the keyboard. It is also used for emphasis.
Courier font is used for any information that the computer screen displays.
• Arrows indicate options that you select from cascading menus; for example, “Select File >
Open” means choose the “Open” option from the “File” menu.