Installing the Windows Server Products
14 Avaya Integrated Management, Network Infrastructure Management Installation and Upgrade
26. Click the Next button.
The installation status bar appears. When the installation is complete, the InstallShield Wizard
Complete dialog box appears. By default, Yes, I want to restart my computer now is selected.
Go to Step 27.
If VoIP Monitoring Manager (trial) was installed and the SNMP service is not installed on the
server, the Insert Disk dialog box appears. Perform the following steps:
a. Remove the Network Infrastructure Management Windows Server CD from the
CD-ROM drive.
b. Insert the Microsoft Windows 2000 Operating System CD into the CD-ROM drive and
click OK.
c. Follow the installation wizard prompts. When completed, Installation Wizard
Complete appears.
d. Remove the Microsoft Windows 2000 Operating System CD from the CD-ROM drive.
e. On the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box for Integrated Management, click the
Finish button to restart the Windows server. Go to Step 28.
27. Remove the CD from the drive, and then click the Finish button to restart the Windows server.
28. Refer to the Avaya Integrated Management Home Page for documentation on the applications
you installed. Also, the latest versions of these books are available on the Avaya Support Web
Site. See “How to Access Books on the Web” on page 4. The documents are in PDF format. To
view a PDF, you must install Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer. Adobe Acrobat Reader
is provided on the Windows Server CD.
Note: Regularly check the Avaya Support Web Site for software updates.