Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 12-79
Configuring IP Routing
Figure 12-39. VRRP Virtual Router Statistics Web Page
2. To modify the VRRP statistics:
— Click CLEAR to reset all the entries.
— Click REFRESH to receive the most up-to-date information on
the entries.
3. See Table 12-32 for an explanation of the VRRP Virtual Router Statistics
Web page parameters:
Table 12-32. VRRP Virtual Router Statistics Web Page Fields
Parameter Definition...
Interface Displays the IP Interface name that the virtual router
is associated with.
VR ID Displays the virtual router identification number.
IP Address Displays the IP Address of the virtual router. It is
also known as the virtual IP Address (VIP).
Primary IP Address The Primary IP address is the real IP address of the
IP interface that a virtual router is associated
with.This address can be viewed in the VRRP
statistics page of the Web Agent.
Note: For more information about the Primary IP
Address see “Changing the Primary IP
address” later in this chapter.
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