14-2 User Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, v6.1
Chapter 14
Figure 14-1. RIP Global Configuration Web Page
2. See Table 14-1 to configure the RIP Global Configuration Web page
3. Click APPLY to save your changes, or CANCEL to restore previous
Table 14-1. RIP Global Configuration Web Page Parameters
Parameter Allows you to...
Global RIP Enable or disable the RIP protocol. The default is Enable.
Note: You must disable the IP Interface before Disabling or
Enabling RIP.
Update Timer Enter the value (in seconds) that represents the time between
RIP updates on all interfaces. The parameter range setting is
10-50 seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.
Purge TTL
Enter the “garbage-collection” time. Upon expiration of the
time-out, the route is no longer valid, however, it is retained in
the routing table for a short time so that neighbors can be
notified that the route has been dropped.Global Time To Live
(TTL) in seconds that the RIP update persists. The default
value is 120 seconds.The parameter range setting is 1-65,535
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