
Installing IA 770 INTUITY AUDIX Messaging
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8400 Media Server February 2006
4. On the Select Release Version screen, ensure that the Build line and <OK> is highlighted.
Press Enter to partition the hard disk drive and reformat the partitions.
Once the drive is properly configured, the program starts the installation process and
reports the progress.
These processes can take up to 20 minutes. When the media server is ready to reboot, the
CD-ROM drive drawer opens. You must remove the CD from the drive at this time.
The reboot can take up to 3 minutes. The telnet session drops automatically.
Installing IA 770 INTUITY AUDIX Messaging
See IA 770 INTUITY AUDIX Installation, Upgrades, and Troubleshooting for information on
installing the optional IA 770 messaging software.