104 System manual E1
though this palette mode supports 32 bit True Color, we
recommend that when using a using a color display in
conjunction with your high-resolution grayscale display(s) that
you still set the color display as the primary monitor.
Setting the resolution of your E1 display
In order to set the resolution of your E1 display you must be
logged in using an account with administrator privileges.
1. To set the resolution of your E1 display(s) right click on the
desktop and select “Properties”.
2. Select the “Settings” tab.
3. Select the rectangle that represents the first E1 display
attached to the B
ARCOMED NIO display controller you are
working with.
NOTE: If you are using the VGA capabilities of your B
IO display controller, the resolution for the first display may
be set to a VGA resolution of “640 x 480” pixels with 16
colors and a default refresh rate. If your BarcoMed Nio
controller is not running VGA, the display may not be
enabled yet. To enable the display, check the “Extend my
Windows desktop onto this monitor” checkbox, but do NOT
click the “Apply” button at this time.
If you installed your B
ARCOMED NIO drivers in SingleView
mode (default for Windows 2000) there will be one
rectangle for the virtual display representing the two heads
controlled by each BarcoMed Nio display controller.
If you installed your BarcoMed Nio drivers in DualView mode
(default for Windows XP) there will be a rectangle
representing each head controlled by each BarcoMed Nio
display controller. This will be true even if you have only one
display connected to your BarcoMed Nio controller. Both
displays of a display controller cannot be enabled at the
same time unless their display properties match. If necessary
detach the second display of the BarcoMed Nio display
controller you are working with by right clicking on the