BarcoMed Driver Tab
58 System manual E1
out, then they are not available for the model controller with
which you are working.
Enable DirectDraw
This option allows the user to enable or disable DirectDraw.
DirectDraw is a software interface that provides direct access to
display devices while maintaining compatibility with the
Windows graphics device interface (GDI). DirectDraw provides a
device-independent way for applications to gain access to the
hardware features of specific display devices. If you enable
DirectDraw, your application will have the choice of using
DirectDraw or GDI. If you disable DirectDraw, your application will
use GDI instead of DirectDraw. Please note that in any case, your
application can always use BarcoMed driver functions (i.e.
WinBarco) or other graphics extensions (such as OpenGL).
Enable Dithering
This option allows the user to enable or disable dithering.
Dithering is a technique for increasing the perceived range of
colors in an image at the cost of spatial resolution. Adjacent
pixels are assigned differing color values; when viewed from a
distance, these colors seem to blend into a single intermediate
color. The technique is similar to the half-toning used in black-
and-white publications to achieve shades of gray. Please note
that this option is only available when the User Modifiable
Palette Mode is selected. This is because dithering is only
supported under Windows when the display is palletized. If
either the “Static Gray Palette including Standard System Colors”
mode or the “Static Gray Palette with NO System colors” mode is
selected, the “Enable Dithering” check box will be grayed-out,
and dithering will be automatically disabled regardless of
whether this check box is checked. This complies with the
Windows standard interface method.