BarcoMed Driver Tab
60 System manual E1
Configuring the DualView desktop
Display Resolution
Under Windows 2000 and Windows XP both displays connected
to a single BarcoMed controller must have the same resolution
settings in order to be attached to the desktop.
Examples (your resolution settings may be different):
OK to use:
Not OK to use:
The following options maybe set individually on each Barco
display even if they are connected to the same BarcoMed
Palette Mode
Drawing Mode
Note: If the second display connected to any given BarcoMed
controller is not attached to the desktop when you set the Palette
Mode, Drawing Mode, etc. of the attached display, the second
display will inherit the properties of the first display when you
attach it to the desktop.
Display 1:2480 x 2560 @ 59 Hz
Display 2:2480 x 2560 @ 59 Hz
Display 1:2480 x 2560 @ 59 Hz
Display 2:2560 x 2480 @ 59 Hz