5. XDS Remote Administration Center
Image 5-22
Hardware Details tab
On click of this tab, you ca n view the following information of the selected display.
• Device Information : Shows information about devices which ar
e connected to the display such a s, Transform A device, WND
device, Application control device, and Matrix Device
• Projector Information : Shows information of the projector connected to the display su ch as, projector type, power status, and
projector’s lamp details. If a device is not connected to the display, it is shown as Not Available in the hardw are details tab. Using the User Management Tab
This tab displays information and controls for different u sers of the XDS display s ystem. The information about the users who are
currently using the display such as, privilege of the u sers, number of layouts and presentations of each user, and session related
information are displayed. The name of the user who is cur
rently the session owner of the Display is highlighted in bold.
An adm in user can filter the XDS Display us ers based on privileges and the time stamp of opened X DS sessions.
Image 5-23
Filter users
The other operations that you can perform from this v iew is discussed in the following topics.
Changing user privile ge
1. Click User Management tab
2. Select th e u se r from the list
3. From the Privilege drop-down list, select the privilege for the selected user