3. XDS Control Center Launching a l ayout from different levels of view
How to launch a layout from minimal/compact view?
1. In minimal/compact view, click the name of the layout from the Launch Layout drop-down list.
Image 3-132
Launching a layout from m inimal view
Image 3-133
Launching a layout from com pact view
2. You can also launch the sa me layout from the Start menu. See image 3-109. Click the name of the layout to launch it.
How to launch a l ayout from the expert view?
1. In expert view, select the name of the presentation under which you have saved the layout
Image 3-134
Launching a layout from expert view
The layout saved under that par ticular presentation will be displayed in the layout widget.
2. Now double-click the name of the layou t you want to launch
3. You can also launch the layout by using the right-click option
a) Right-click on the name of the layout to ope n the context menu
b) Click Launch