3. XDS Control Center
Image 3-163
Arrange the names in ascending order
The names will be a rranged in alphabetical order.
3.9.7 Controlling camera
After configuring the video conference device manager, you will be able to control the camera through XD S C ontrol Center. The
camera control functions such a s, move, zoom, and focus are available f or you to control.
How to launch the camera controls?
1. From the Video Conf Device widget, click Camera Control tab
The camera control functions are displayed.
Image 3-164
1. Select the camera source
2. Shift the camera view upwards or downwards, or to the left or right
3. Focus the camera view
4. Zoom the camera view
2. From this view, you can move, zoom, and focus the camera of the video conference device.
Each operation is mentioned in detail below.
Selecting the camera
1. From the Video C onf Device w idget, click open the Select Camera drop-down list