Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 11 Configuring Inspection of Basic Internet Protocols
HTTP Inspection
URI Filtering
The URI Filtering dialog box is accessible as follows:
Configuration > Global Objects > Inspect Maps > HTTP > URI Filtering
The URI Filtering dialog box lets you configure the settings for an URI filter.
• Match Type—Shows the match type, which can be a positive or negative match.
• Criterion—Shows the criterion of the inspection.
• Value—Shows the value to match in the inspection.
• Action—Shows the action if the match condition is met.
• Log—Shows the log state.
• Add—Opens the Add URI Filtering dialog box to add a URI filter.
• Edit—Opens the Edit URI Filtering dialog box to edit a URI filter.
• Delete—Deletes an URI filter.
• Move Up—Moves an entry up in the list.
• Move Down—Moves an entry down in the list.
Add/Edit HTTP Policy Map (Security Level)
The Add/Edit HTTP Policy Map (Security Level) dialog box is accessible as follows:
Configuration > Global Objects > Inspect Maps > HTTP > HTTP Inspect Map > Basic View
The Add/Edit HTTP Policy Map pane lets you configure the security level and additional settings for
HTTP application inspection maps.
• Name—When adding an HTTP map, enter the name of the HTTP map. When editing an HTTP map,
the name of the previously configured HTTP map is shown.
• Description—Enter the description of the HTTP map, up to 200 characters in length.
• Security Level—Select the security level (low, medium, or high).
Protocol violation action: Drop connection
Drop connections for unsafe methods: Disabled
Drop connections for requests with non-ASCII headers: Disabled
URI filtering: Not configured
Advanced inspections: Not configured
Protocol violation action: Drop connection
Drop connections for unsafe methods: Allow only GET, HEAD, and POST
Drop connections for requests with non-ASCII headers: Disabled