Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 23 Configuring QoS
Feature History for QoS
Priority-Queue Statistics interface test
Queue Type = BE
Packets Dropped = 0
Packets Transmit = 0
Packets Enqueued = 0
Current Q Length = 0
Max Q Length = 0
Queue Type = LLQ
Packets Dropped = 0
Packets Transmit = 0
Packets Enqueued = 0
Current Q Length = 0
Max Q Length = 0
In this statistical report, the meaning of the line items is as follows:
• “Packets Dropped” denotes the overall number of packets that have been dropped in this queue.
• “Packets Transmit” denotes the overall number of packets that have been transmitted in this queue.
• “Packets Enqueued” denotes the overall number of packets that have been queued in this queue.
• “Current Q Length” denotes the current depth of this queue.
• “Max Q Length” denotes the maximum depth that ever occurred in this queue.
Feature History for QoS
Table 23-3 lists each feature change and the platform release in which it was implemented. ASDM is
backwards-compatible with multiple platform releases, so the specific ASDM release in which support
was added is not listed.
Table 23-3 Feature History for QoS
Feature Name
Releases Feature Information
Priority queuing and policing 7.0(1) We introduced QoS priority queuing and policing.
We introduced the following screens:
Configuration > Device Management > Advanced >
Priority Queue
Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy Rules
Shaping and hierarchical priority queuing 7.2(4)/8.0(4) We introduced QoS shaping and hierarchical priority
We modified the following screen: Configuration > Firewall
> Service Policy Rules.
Ten Gigabit Ethernet support for a standard
priority queue on the ASA 5585-X
8.2(3)/8.4(1) We added support for a standard priority queue on Ten
Gigabit Ethernet interfaces for the ASA 5585-X.