Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 11 Configuring Inspection of Basic Internet Protocols
IP Options Inspection
• Click the Use the default IP-Options inspection map radio button to use the default IP Options
map. The default map drops packets containing all the inspected IP options, namely End of Options
List (EOOL), No Operation (NOP), and Router Alert (RTRALT).
• Click the Select an IP-Options inspect map for fine control over inspection radio button to select
a defined application inspection map.
• Click Add to open the Add IP-Options Inspect Map dialog box and create a new inspection map.
Step 5 (Optional) If you clicked Add to create a new inspection map, define the following values for IP Options
a. Enter a name for the inspection map.
b. Enter a description for the inspection map, up to 200 characters long.
c. From the Parameters area, select which IP options you want to pass through the ASA or clear and
then pass through the ASA:
Allow packets with the End of Options List (EOOL) option
This option, which contains just a single zero byte, appears at the end of all options to mark the end
of a list of options. This might not coincide with the end of the header according to the header length.
Allow packets with the No Operation (NOP) option
The Options field in the IP header can contain zero, one, or more options, which makes the total
length of the field variable. However, the IP header must be a multiple of 32 bits. If the number of
bits of all options is not a multiple of 32 bits, the NOP option is used as “internal padding” to align
the options on a 32-bit boundary.
Allow packets with the Router Alert (RTRALT) option
This option notifies transit routers to inspect the contents of the packet even when the packet is not
destined for that router. This inspection is valuable when implementing RSVP and similar protocols
require relatively complex processing from the routers along the packets delivery path.
Clear the option value from the packets
When an option is checked, the Clear the option value from the packets check box becomes
available for that option. Select the Clear the option value from the packets check box to clear the
option from the packet before allowing the packet through the ASA.
d. Click OK.
Step 6 Click OK.
Step 7 Click Finish.
Select IP Options Inspect Map
The Select IP Options Inspect Map dialog box is accessible as follows:
Add/Edit Service Policy Rule Wizard > Rule Actions > Protocol Inspection Tab > Select IM Map