hopper assembly when itis in the raisedor
lowered position.See Figure 13.
Bulky material, such as stalks or heavy
branches, up to 3"in diameter should be
fed intothe chipper chute. See Figure 13.
WARNING: Do not put material larger
than isspecified intothe hopper, and/or into
the chipper chute. Personal injuryor
damage to the machine could result.
• Ifitbecomes necessary topush material intothe
chipper-shradder, use the tamper-- not your
• Forcollecting raked leaves intothe hopper, first
remember to put the hopper flaps behind the
retaining bracket inside the upper hopper.
WARNING: Never remove chute deflector
tillthe unithas completely stopped. Never
shut off the engine until all chipping is
For best performance, it isimportantto keep the
shredding blade and the chipper blades sharp. Ifthe
composition ofthe material being discharged
changes (becomes stringy, etc.) or ifthe rate at which
the material isdischarged slows down considerably, it
islikelythat the shredding blade and/or chipper
blades are dulland need to be sharpened or
replaced. Refer to Service and Adjustments section
on page 15 ofthis manual.
IMPORTANT: There isa flail screen located inside
the housing inthe discharge area. Ifthe flail screen
becomes clogged, remove and clean a_ instructed in
the Service and Adjustments section.
WARNING: The chipper-shredder
velocity.Keep away from the area aroundthe
dischargechute.Make sure thatthe rubber
flaps insidethe hopperare not tuckedunder
the bracketwhile operatingtheshredder.
Alwaysatop the engine and disconnectthe
sparkplugwire when removingorattaching
thebag,changingcontainers,or removingthe
shreddedmaterial.Wear safety glassesand
gloveswhenever usingthe chipper-shredder.
Shred matedal upto 1/2 inch In diameter
Catch shredded materiel
In catcher beg*
Lowerthe hopperto collect
raked materielfor shredding
• Use leaf beg for_ltrodded klws andchip beg forchipped branches
Figure 13
Chip matedel upto
3 Inches In diameter