Checkidlespeedand re-adjust to 1750 rpm, if
Engine should accelerate smoothly, If itdoes
not, adjust idle mixturevalve counter-elcckwise
1/8 turn.
_lb ARNING: Air cleaner and itscover must
be assembled tothe carburetor before
starting the engine.
Adjusting Engine Speed
The engine speed on your chipper-shredder has
been set at the factory. Do not attempt to increase
engine speed or itmay resultin personal injury. If you
believe the engine isrunningtoo fast ortoo slow,take
yourchipper-shredder to the nearest SEARS service
center for repair and adjustment.
Recommended operating tire pressure is 24 p.s.i.
(sidewall oftire may give tire manufacturer's
recommended pressure). Equal tire pressure should
be maintained on bothtires.
_lb ARNING: Excessivepressurewhenseating
force sufficienttocauseserious injury,
Replacing Fuel Filter
• Drain the gasoline tank by runningthe engine till
itruns out ofgasoline.
• Usingasetof pliers,squeezeand unclampthe fuel
linehose.Removethe oldfilter, See Figure23,
• Replace with a new filterand reclamp.
Figure 23