yourchipper-shreddertofamiliarizeyourselfwiththelocationofvariouscontrolsand adjustments. Save this
manual for future reference.
The operation ofany chipper-shredder can resultin foreign objects being thrown intothe
eyes, which can result in severe eye damage. Always wear safety glasses providedwith
the chipper-shredder before chipping or shredding, orwhile performing-any adjustments
or repairs.
Hopper .Tamper
Assembly,.,_ Gasoline
Tank Catcher
Fuel Shut-Off Valve
Lock Lever
Stop Switch
Operating Controls
(Refer to Figure g.)
Release Bar
Used to release the hopper when raisingor lowering.
Choke Lever
Used to enrich the fuel mixture in the carburetor
when starting a cold engine.
Starter Handle
Used to manually startthe engine.
Hopper Assembly
Allows leaves and small branches upto 1/2"diameter
to be fed intothe impeller for shredding. Lower the
hopper to collect raked material for shredding.
Stop Switch
Used to stop the engine; also has to be turned on
before pullingthe starter handle tostart the engine,
Chipper Chute
Allowsbulkyvegetation like stalks or heavy branches
upto3" diameter to be fed into the impeller for
chipping.The tamper helpsto feed smaller material
intothe chipperchute. ....... _"
Catcher Bags
A large leaf bag and a smaller chip bag used to
collectthe shredded material.
Rear Wheel Lock Lever
Used to lockthe rear wheels from moving.
Fuel Shut-off Valve
Used totum on or offthe flow of gasoline tothe
engine. Tum the valve ON to start the engine.
Stopping Engine
• Tum the stop switch toOFF, Disconnectthe
spark plugwire and move itaway from the spark
plug toprevent accidental starting.
Meets ANSI Safety Standards
Sears chipper-shredders conformtosafety standardB71,6 -1990 ofthe AmericanNationalStandardsInstitute(ANSI).