sonalsafetyand/or propertyofyourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsinthis manual before
attemptingto operate yourchippershredder. Failureto complywiththese instructionsmay resultin per-
sonal injury.When you see this symbol--heed its warning.
Yourchipper-shredderwas built tobe operated according to the rules for safe operation in
DANGER: this manual. Aswith anytype of powerequipment, carelessnessor error on the partof theoper-
ator can resultinserious injury.If you violate any of these rules, you may cause serious
injury to yourself or others.
,_ WARNING: The Engine Exhaust from this product contains chemicals knownto the State of Califomia
to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Read this owner's guide carefully in itsentirety before
attempting toassemble thismachine. Read,
understand, and follow all instructionson the machine
and inthe manual(s) before operation. Be completely
familiar with the controls and the proper use ofthe
machine before operating it. Keep this manual ina safe
place for future and regular reference and for ordering
replacement pads.
Your chipper-shredder is a powerful tool, not a
plaything. Therefore, exercise extreme caution at air
times. Your unit has been designed to perform two
jobs; to chipand shred vegetation found in a normal
yard. Do not use it for any other purpose.
• Never allow children under age 16 to operate the unit.
Children 16 years and older should onlyoperate the
unit under close parental supervision. Only responsible
individuals who are familiar withthese rules ofsafe
operation should be allowed to use your unit,
• Keep the area of operation clear ofall persons,
particularly small children and pets. Stop the engine
when they are in the vicinityofthe unit. Keep work area
clean and clear of branches or obstacles which could
cause you tostumble or fall.
• When feeding matedal intothisequipment, be
extremely careful that pieces of metal, rocks, bottles,
cans or other foreign objectsare notincluded.
Personal injuryor damage tothe machine could result.
Always wear safety glasses or s_oty goggles, dudng
operation and while performing =anadjustment or
repair,to protect eyes fromforeign objects that may be
thrown from the machine.
• Wear sturdy, rough-soled work shoes and close fitting
slacks and shirt.Shirt and slacks that cover the arms
and legs and steel-toed shoes are recommended. Do
notwear loose fitting clothesor jewelry and secure hair
so it isabove shoulder length. They can be caught in
moving parts. Never operate a unit inbars feet,
sandals or sneakers. Wear gloves when feeding
material inthe ohippel_chute or shredder hopper.
• Never place your hands, feet, or any part of your body
intothe shredder hopper, chipper chute, discharge
opening, ornear any moving part while the engine is
running. Keep clear ofthe discharge opening at all
times. If itbecomes necessary topush material intothe
chipper chute orshredder hopper, use a small
diameter stick,NOT YOUR HANDS.
• If it isnecessary for any reason to unclog the feed
intake or discharge openings orto inspector repair any
part ofthe machine where a moving part can come in
contact withyour bodyor clothing, stopthe machine,
allow itto cool, disconnect thespark plug wire fromthe
spark plug and moveit away fromthe spark plug
before attemptingto unclog, inspect or repair.
Do not operate unitwhile under the influence ofalcohol
or drugs.
The machine should only be operated on a level
surface. Never operate your uniton a slippery,wet,
muddy or icysurface. Keep your work area clean and
clear ofbranches or obstacles which could cause you
to stumble and fall. Do not overreach. Maintaining
preper footing and balance isessential topreventing
• Do notallow.an accumu!a_on of prpc_,sed matedal to
build upin the discharge ares.as this willprevent
proper discharge and can result in kick-beck from the
chipper chute.
• Keep your face and body pack from chipper chute to
avoid accidental bounce pack of any mstadel.
• Do nottransport machine while engine is running.
• Ifthe cutting mechanism strikee aforeign object or if
your machine should start making an unusual noise or
vibration, immediately stop the engine and allow the
machine to come to a complete stop. Disconnect the
spark plug wire and move itaway fromthe spark plug.
Take the followingsteps.
a. Inspact for damage.
b. Repair or replace any damaged parts.
c. Check forany loose parts and tightento assure
continued safe operation.
• Never attempt to attach or remove catcher bag when
engine isrunning. Shut the engine off and waitfor the
impeller tocome to acomplete stop. The impeller
continues torotate fora few seconds after the engine is