Lowering Hopper Assembly
In order to rake leaves intothe hopper, you will need
to lower the hopper.
• To lower the hopper assembly, use one hand to
grasp the hand-hold at the top ofthe hopper
assembly and liftslightly. See Figure 5.
• Pul!up onthe release bar, and lowerthe hopper
assembly to the drop-down position. Release
the bar. See Figure 5.
Using Rear Wheel Lock Lever
Keep the rear wheels locked while operating the unit.
Unlock the rear wheels for transporting the unit.
• Pullthe lever outand down and insert in bottom
slot to lockthe rear wheels.
• Pull the lever out and upwards and insert intop
slot to unlock the wheels. See Figure 10.
Rear Wheel
Rear Wheel
Lock Lever
Figure 10
Gas And Oil Fill-Up
Oil (2 bottles shipped with unit)
• Only use high quality detergent oil rated with
API service classification SF, SG or SH. Select
the oil'sviscositygrade according to your
expected operating temperature. Follow the
chart below.
Colder _1-- 32°F Warmer
- 5W30 I SAE 30 -
NOTE: Althoughmulti-viocosity oils(5W30, 10W30,
etc.) improve starting in cold weather, these
multiviscosityoilswillresultin increased oil
consumption when used above 40°F. Check the oil
level more froquentiyto avoidpossible engine
damage from running low on oil.
Fill engine with oilas follows.
• Remove oilfilldipstick.See Figure 11.
• W'rthchipper-shredderonlevelground,usea funnel
tofillenginewithoilto FULL markondip_ck.
Capacityisapproximately40ounces.Be carefulnot
toover u, dipsUckondUghton.
• Start and runengine for 30 seconds. Shut
engine off. Wait 30 seconds and check oillevel.
Add oil, ifnecessary, to bringthe oillevel to
FULL mark onthe dipstick.
Replace dipstickand tighten.
NOTE: Do not overfill. Oil bottlespacked with unit
contain a total ofapproximately 40 oz. ofoil.
WARNING: Experience indicates thatalcohol
blended fuels (calledgasohol or using ethanol or
methanol) can attract moisture whichleads to
separation and formationofacids during storage.-
Acidicgas can damage the fuel system ofan engine
whilein storage. Toavoid engine problems, the fuel
system shouldbe emptied before storage for 30
days orlonger. Drain the gas tank, start the engine
and let itrun until thefuel lines and carburetor are
empty. Use fresh fuelnext season. See STORAGE
instructionsfor additionalinformation. Never use
engine orcarburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank
or permanent damage may occur.
Fill gasoline tank as follows.
• Remove fuel cap.
• Make sure the container (fromwhich you will
pour the gasoline) is clean and free from rustor
foreign particles. Never use gasoline that may
be stale from long periods of storage inthe
• Fillfuel tank with clean, fresh, lead-free
automotive gasoline. DO NOT use Ethyl or high
octane gasoline. See Figure 1t. Re'placefuel
end fill
and fill ©
Figure 11