I Rear
2 Bottles
of OII
Discharge Chute
* Thehopperis packed
in_e topInsertIn
Figure I
:hlp Bag
Spark Plug Wire
Figure 2
IMPORTANT: This unitis shipped without gasoline
or oil in the engine. After assembly, see
OPERATION section ofthis manual for proper fuel
and engine oil fill-up.
NOTE: Todetermine rightand left hand sides ofyour
chipper-shredder, stand behind the-onit with the
engine farthest away fromyou. See Figure I inset. _
Your chipper-shredder has been completely
assembled at the factory, except for the hopper
assembly, chipperchute, discharge chute and the
catcher bag. These parts are shipped loose in the
carton. A pair of safety glasses and two bottles of oil
are also included in the carton.
Remove From Carton
• Cut the comers ofthe carton. Remove all
packing inserts. Remove all loose parts
includingowner's manual. See Figure 1,
• Roll chipper-shredder out ofthe carton.
• Make certainall parts and literature have been
removed before the carton is discarded.
Loose Parts
(Refer to Figure 1.)
a. HopperAssembly
b. Discharge Chute
c. Chipper Chute
d. Leaf Bag, chip bag
e. BottleofOil (2)
f. Safety Glasses (not shown in Figure 1)
g. Owner's Manual (not shown in Figure 1)
Tools Required
1. 1/2" or adjustable wrenches
2. 7/16" or,adjustable wrencbes
3. 9/16_ oradjustable _ncl_es "_
4. Funnel
Disconnecting Spark Plug
• Disconnectthe spark plug wire and move it
away from thespark plug before assembling the
chippar-shredder. See Figure 2.
Attaching Discharge Chute
• Remove thewing knobs from each side ofthe
discharge opening on the chipper-shredder.
• Using two 7/16" wrenches, remove hex lock nut,
two spacers, and the he](boltfrom top of the
housingassembly. For easy assembly, do not
remove the second spacer from the hex bolt.
• Place the discharge chute in positionon the
discharge opening as shown in step I in Figure
3. Insert hex boltand spacer through hinge on
discharge chute and housing (spacer fits inside
of hinge). See Figure 3 inset A.