
TABLE 5-1. pH Settings List (continued)
5. Alarm 3 Control
(a) Activation Method Process/Temp Process _______
(b) Alarm 3 Control Mode Normal/TPC Normal _______
6a. Alarm 3 Setup (Normal)
(a) Configuration Low alarm/High alarm/Off High _______
(b) Hysteresis (deadband) 0 - 5.00 pH 0.01 pH _______
(e) Delay Time 0-99 sec 0 sec _______
(d) Relay Fault Open/Closed/None None _______
6b. Alarm 3 Setup (TPC)
(a) Setpoint -2 to 16 pH or -15 to 130°C 7 pH _______
(b) Proportional 0-299.9% 100.0% _______
(c) Integral 0-2999 sec 0 sec _______
(d) Derivative 0-299.9% 0.0% _______
(e) Time Period 10-2999 sec 30 sec _______
(f) LRV (100% On) -2 to 16 pH or -15 to 130°C 2 pH _______
(g) URV (100% Off) -2 to 16 pH or -15 to 130°C 0 pH _______
(h) Relay Fault None/Open/Closed None _______
7. Alarm 4 Control
(a) Alarm Fault/Off Fault _______
8. Feed Limit Timer
(a) Feed Limit Disable/alarm 1/alarm 2/alarm 3 Disable _______
(b) Timeout Value 0-10,800 sec 3600 sec _______
C. Alarms (Section 5.7)
9. Interval Timer
(a) Timer (selection) Disable/alarm 1/alarm 2/alarm 3 Disable _______
(b) Timer (activation method) Time activated/Imped. activated Time activated _______
(c) Interval 0-999.9 hr 24.0 hr _______
(d) Repeats 1-60 1 _______
(e) On Time 0-2999 sec 120 sec _______
(f) Off Time 0-2999 sec 1 sec _______
(g) Recovery 0-999 sec 600 sec _______
D. Diagnostics (Section 5.8)
1. Diagnostics (Glass and Reference) On/Off 000 (no security) _______
2. Glass Imp(edance) High Setpoint 0-2000 MOhms (0 disables) 000 (no security) _______
3. Glass Imp(edance) Low Setpoint 0-900 MOhms (0 disables)
4. Ref(erence) Imp(edance) High 0-140 KOhms (0 disables) 000 (no security) _______
5. Zero Offset 0-999 mV (0 disables) 000 (no security) _______
6. Cal(ibration) Warn(ing) 0-500% (0 disables)
7. Imped(ance Temperature) Comp(ensation) On/Off 000 (no security) _______
E. Auto Calibration (Section 5.9)
1. Autocal (Buffer List Selection) Manual/Standard/DIN 19267 000 (no security) _______
2. Stabilize pH (Auto Calibration) .01-.50 pH 000 (no security) _______
3. Stabilization Time (Auto Calibration) 0-30 sec 000 (no security) _______
F. Security (Section 7.1)
1. Lock all 000-999 000 (no security) _______
2. Lock Program (Lock all except Calibrate) 000-999 000 (no security) _______
3. Lock Config. (Lock all except Calibrate,
Output setpoints (PID), Simulated Tests
Alarm Setpoints, and Rerange Outputs) 000-999 000 (no security) _______
D. Solution Temperature Compensation (Section 7.3)
1. Temp(erature) Coeff(icient) -0.044 to 0.028pH/°C 000 (no security) _______
2. Operate Iso(potential pH) -1.35 to 20.12 pH 000 (no security) _______
3. Sensor Iso(potential) 0-14 pH 000 (no security) _______
By changing the standard output configuration, you can set up the Model 54e pH/ORP to perform a wide variety of control and monitoring tasks.
The configuration procedures allow you to program the controller to meet the specific control and monitoring requirements of your particular
plant. This is done by recording the desired configuration parameters on the List of Settings Form and then actually configuring them by using
the keys on the controller front panel.